Guiding You To Unlock Your Greatest Potential,

Release The Old Programs &

Become The Creator That You Are

My Story


I refuse to be the victim

As a 13 year old immigrant to rural United States amongst spur-wearing cowboys and more cows than people, I felt like a stranger in a strange land.

 I arrived to this new world with my parents and sister, two suitcases, a diagnosis of turrets syndrome and ADHD, a thick South African accent and little to no self-esteem. I stood out to put it mildly, and standing out was the LAST thing I wanted.

So, I decided to change. I changed my accent, I acted in ways that people who “fit in” acted and did activities “cool kids” did. I learned to adapt, make friends and fit into a box of belonging which is all I really sought after.

By the age of 16 and having moved to the second town/school, I had this “changing to fit in” game down to an art. The town was bigger and there were more “acts” to choose from so I quickly found my role and played it well. I am after all, someone who loves to do their best at what they choose to do. So I became the best at doing what it took to feel like I belonged, even if it meant forgetting my truest self! 

As we all know, this shit catches up to us and my soul was screaming! But the doctors called it clinical depression.

At 17 years old, I made a choice that has changed the course of my life. Because there lives within me someone who knows that there is something I can do internally to shift the way I feel and ultimately choose to thrive in this world without imposed limitations and pharmaceuticals.

And there began my sojourn which I am proudly still navigating, medication free, wildly in love with who I am, my life and the direction it continues to take. I am now a solo parent of two phenomenal beings, living in Mexico and supporting people all over the world to set themselves free from internal captivity of false beliefs and limitations.

I am free!  And, I love witnessing my clients

transforming themselves, their lives and thriving!

My Mission

To consistently contribute to human beings’ ultimate self-love, forgiveness and expansion so that they may live in a world where all know that they are unique, worthy and belong as a valued member of this human family and feel safe to be themselves.

This transformation begins within!

Imagine, living in a world where all all are love themselves enough to love each other!

Imagine, thriving in this world feeling fully empowered, knowing who you are and aligned with your purpose!

My purpose is to serve people and support them in living from a place of empowered freedom!

My Core Values






My qualifications

  • Certified Rapid Transformational Therapist- Live training with Marisa Peer in Los Angeles & Marisa Peer School, London.

  • Certified Hypnotherapist- Marisa Peer School, London

  • Certified Practitioner of Human Interaction Technology-Human Communications Institute with Michael Bernoff, Arizona (NLP/Neuro-Linguistic Programming)

  • HypnoBirthing® Childbirth Educator-HypnoBirthing Institute, UK

  • IACT Member –International Association of Counselors & Therapists

  • IHF Member – International Hypnosis Federation

I love traversing the globe as well as the inner landscape of the soul. I am a mother, lover, adventurer, dancer, diver and grower.

As a forever student of life, I am always seeking to dig deeper and ask the difficult questions of myself and the world around us.

Allow me to accompany you on your journey of fullest expression, profound self-love and ultimate inner-freedom to be you.