Change You Language Change Your Life

How are your words casting spells on your life?

They call it spell-ing for a reason. Did you know that the thoughts you think and the language you speak has a profound effect on the way you feel and the reality you experience in this world?

If you knew that the words you speak were casting spells to form your reality, how would you choose to speak differently? 

Some of you already do know and understand the powerful impact your words and thoughts have over your perception of reality, so let's dive into some practical, imeditate changes you can make today to get you on the path to getting your thoughts and language working for and with you. 

Henry Ford said “whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right, for it is the thinking that makes it so.” I would add believing to this sentiment. 

Lets imagine you’re excited about building a table. You can see the plan, idea and even visualize yourself sitting there with friends and loved one’s enjoying laughter and food. You make a plan, draw it out, organize the materials you’ll need, acquire the tools necessary and are ultimately ready to make this idea a reality. But then you realize you’ve got everything you need, but you’re not sure how to actually use the tools to make this table you will one day laugh around with your loved ones. 

I’m here to show you how to use the tools you’ve already got to create the life of your dreams. 

  1. Know your desires

  2. Awareness/noticing 

  3. Switch 

  4. Feel

  5. Believe

  6. Consistency

  1. Get clear and specific on what you desire for your life and the feelings attached to it. If you’re working toward a healthier body then set a clear outcome you desire. See it, imagine it, even put pictures up around your space that will remind you. Get attuned to the feelings that this outcome brings to your life and the feelings you’re ultimately after. 

  2. Become aware of your thoughts and language that are sprouting from the misaligned belief about yourself surrounding this issue. This one takes some introspection and focused reflection. Helpful tools can be: journaling, moving your body intuitively while listening to the messages it has for you (not with your ears), walking and reflecting with a focused inquiry, talking with a professional practitioner or trusted and honest friend. 

  3. Find and create statements and new language patterns and phrases that align with your desired outcome. Get creative and clear using these tips:      A). Keep it present and positive (maybe link the infográfico here).B) Clear and concise for example feel the difference between “I am someone who exercises” vs “I am trying to get into shape”.  C) Use powerful and commanding, pleasure words/statements- example: “I am excited to eat vegetables'',“I love the feeling of being sore after I work-out”, “Drinking a lot of water each day energizes me”, ”I insist on making healthy food choices''. The mind is always moving you toward pleasure and away from pain so when you tell it that the actions you’re taking are pleasurable, exciting and ones you love, then it is likely to motivate your action to get out of bed, put your running shoes on and do what it takes to get that sore feeling after the run. D) Use feeling words that engage your senses. “I adore the smell of roasted vegetables cooking in my oven”, “When I sweat I feel the toxins leaving my body”, -use a specific playlist of music that excited you and use it every time you exercise so that on the days you don’t feel motivated, all you have to do it play the music and your mind gets excited to exercise” 

  4. Bring the feeling you desire from the specific outcome into your presence often. Focus on this feeling, imagine what it feels like when you’ve already achieved your outcome and make this feeling so familiar in your body and energy field so that you absolutely recognize it when you’re already there. Pretend you already have the feeling the desired outcome holds to it. Spending at least 90 seconds at a time doing this with intentional focus makes it more clear, familiar and easier for your body to hold. 

  5. Believe it’s possible, already happening and that even when you take a few steps back and learn from those back-steps, that you’re on our way! Believe that change is possible and that it can be easy. Work on your mindset around this issue and pay attention to the small wins which increase your belief. Be proud of yourself and praise your wins. “I am healthier and healthier every day”.

  6. When you make the concern at hand your chief aim, focus on it when you’re doing the mundane and important things in your day, consistently being aware and switching, then before long it becomes second nature, habit and not just what you’re doing but who you are. The consistency and repetition is where the magic happens and when your neural pathways redirect and you become the person who is healthy, not just the person who “wants to be physically healthy”. You’re working with your identity and when you identify as someone who is …”your desired outcome” then your mind is powerfully working with you to make the changes in your habits. 

Here are some words most people use that are hurting them and some replacements and why they’re powerful for your mind. I’ll also share some additional powerful phrases to use in different ways. 

“I can’t”

“I need”

“I want”



“I might”

“I’m not good at…”

“I don’t know” 

“I don’t’ want”

“I hate”

Be intentional and honest about what you say after:

“I always”

“I never”

“I am” 

Language that excites the mind is embedded with emotions, description, picture, feeling and commands. 

You can print this little infographic if you’d like

Your language is always supporting you, its a matter of you being the director and giving it clear instructions

as to how you’d like to to work for you.

Clarity is key here!

If you’re saying “I”m a healthy person, I am learning to cook and enjoy healthy food, it excited me to get up and exercise, I’m motivated, I love my body…” etc, then your mind is supporting those powerful statements to preserve your belief and make them true for you.

Because you’re always right remember. 

And when you’re switching that language, even if part of your mind thinks you’re lying for the first while, the other part is latching on and creating motivation and situational awareness that will prove you right.

I’d love to hear how these tools are already working in your like. Feel confident in contacting me with questions, articles you’d like me to write or just to say hi!

Be well!


Setting Boundaries