The Death of Comparison!

Two traveling monks are walking along when they notice a person standing on one side of the rain soaked and muddy road shouting for someone to help them cross without dirtying their silken robes. The younger monk, thinking the person rude, begins to walk away until noticing that the older monk walks up to this shouting person, picks them up, carries them across and puts them down. The person pushes the monk out of the way and walks along the clean path. 

Hours of walking pass while the young monk ruminates and stirs this memory around within and finally breaks the tranquil silence. “I can’t believe that person, how rude they were and not even thanking you but instead pushing you aside”. 

The older monk stops walking, faces the younger companion and simply says, ``I put that person down hours ago, why do you continue to carry them?”

You may have heard a similar version of this little story and had your own feelings about it and the intended moral or meaning intended within. I recently read this again in one of the children’s books I read to my babes and had a completely different experience of it because of the internal realizations I’ve been moving through. 

Comparison is the harshest form of judgment

The formation of judgment is likely unique for each one of us based on social, cultural, religious and/or familial influence and how we’ve cultivated this habitual pattern of judgment. 

Within myself I find that discernment and judgment are very close siblings but not the same entity and actually are located in different places within my body. Judgment lives inside my mind while I find discernment to live closer to and between by gut and heart space. This is likely very different for you so if you’re intrigued then tune inward and locate them within yourself. 

You see, judgment has been showing up to visit way more often that I’m comfortable with in the form of COMPARISON! 

Now, logically I’m laughing at myself because I know that we’re all unique with beautiful and different roles and gifts so comparison is futile and such a waste of energy! Nevertheless, this guest is overstaying its welcome! 

So I decided to have an honest conversation with this energy suck, inquiring as to its intentions, purpose and role for being so prevalent as of late. 

Now, logically I’m laughing at myself because I know that we’re all unique with beautiful and different roles and gifts so comparison is futile and such a waste of energy! Nevertheless, this guest is overstaying its welcome! 

So I decided to have an honest conversation with this energy suck, inquiring as to its intentions, purpose and role for being so prevalent as of late. 


Protecting me from DEATH! Seriously, I was a little surprised at the beginning as well but then it all made sense. I grew up in a deeply religious household running thick with dogma, CULTure and “right or wrong” programs. If I make a “wrong” choice then I have a HELL of a destiny that awaits me.

My journey to integrate all of these foundations into alignment with my actual Soul’s purpose and desires has been ongoing now for almost two decades. And this one is next for me. 

Because, what I’m discovering is that this Judgment of Comparison is ultimately hindering me from fully self actualizing, expressing my unique fabulousness and BEING in my truth. 


How is comparison taking up the energy in your life that you could be funneling into more fully being YOU? 

3 Things You Can DO Today!

1. Tune inward!

*Where in your body does the judgement of comparison live?

* What role is it playing for you now?

*What benefits is it offering you today?

2. Take inventory! Which aspects of judgement get to stay and which ones have overstayed their welcome and get to pack up and get the HELL out of there?

3. Integrate! Notice where in your life these judgments and comparisons have become habit and begin taking conscious action to shift these habits to ones of self love, self acceptance and allowing yourself to BE more fully YOU!




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