8 Tips Your Nervous System Will LOVE!

Wouldn’t you agree that this fast paced, every changing world we live in can feel stressful and even overwhelming at times?

I found this fascinating:

Just the other day a dear friend of mine and phenomenal therapist was sharing the findings from a recent study she’s been participating in surrounding the forming of healthy attachments in addiction patients. She was sharing, that people who experienced extreme stress or even trauma as children didn’t show many significant, long-term, negative effects when the adults around them modeled healthy, stress-relieving practices which many of the patients themselves then adopted later in life. Now, as adults, these patients with tools to support their nervous systems were able to overcome addiction more easily and re-form healthy attachments better than those who did not have healthy, stress-relieving habits modeled to them as children.

Did you know that fear and excitement have the same physiological manifestations in your body? I’m not talking about the fear that courses through your body when there‘s a Saber-toothed tiger is chasing after your first born child here. I’m talking about the day to day fear that a lot of humans experience in a relatively safe world. 

Most fear today comes from perceived danger or a trigger from a memory of an event or story that once scared us.

Only yesterday I was speaking with a client of mine who is preparing for a rigorous physical training event that most of us might actually die attempting to complete; I’m certain they are 100% prepared for success! 

They told me that they were experiencing being afraid of feeling afraid and anxious about the possible anxiety. This wasn’t the first time I’d heard something like this from a client!

Write these two questions down and answer them:

  1. Where in your life are you holding yourself back by fearing something that isn’t actually fatal or even remotely dangerous? 

2 What are the stories you are making up about your desires that are preventing you from achieving them? 

8 Tips to Support Your Nervous System NOW!

1. Breathe! A simple inhale to the count of 4, hold for one second and exhale to the count of 8 can move you to the parasympathetic state in seconds.You might consider some calming aromas and oils to breathe.

2. Put it DOWN! Avoiding screens and bright lights for at least an hour before bed tells your pineal gland to produce melatonin which has myriad health benefits including supporting your nervous system. SLEEP!

3. Move! Restorative yoga, tai chi, chi gong, walking in nature, walking outside barefooted, exercises, dancing, swimming, or just go fly a kite but move!

4. Drink! Take in plenty of water in a day. Think of it as taking an internal shower if you must. There are also a long list of immune supporting (nervine) teas such as the classic Chamomile, Passion flower, Valerian, Skullcap and Milky Oats to name a few. You may even search adaptogenic herbs for an extra boost.

5. Listen! There are plenty of soothing playlists out there for a reason, take some time (maybe before bed when you’re phone is off) to listen to relaxing music, or nature sounds or even a child giggling. Also, listen to your body and what it needs. It might surprise you.

6. Eat! A healthy balanced diet of fresh, colorful, whole, real foods is always recommended when available and supports all your systems.

7. Be Still! Meditation is highly recommended by many heal professionals for the countless benefits it offers your systems. Even 5 min a day of sitting in stillness with eyes closed done consistently has proven benefits  But it might not be for everyone. Sitting and readying a book has similar benefits.

8. Sun! Sunlight helps boost a chemical in your brain called serotonin, which  can help you stay calm, positive and focused while also giving your more energy.

Adding just a few of these today could drastically adjust how you respond to life’s normal stressors.


Firstly, if the tone of my blogs is bit direct, that’s because I am. 

Secondly, non the these suggestions are intended to replace the advice of your health and wellness practitioners and always check for contraindications when consuming herbs or other supplements. 


The Death of Comparison!


Creating Effective Affirmations